One-Hand Typing software

by Peter

This is an up-to-date list of all the one-hand typing software I have discovered.

One-handed typing software is usually a better solution than buying a physical keyboard designed for typing with one hand. Software is usually more affordable and often offers a free demo.

Post will be updated as needed. If you know of any one-handed keyboard software I’ve missed, please post in the comments!

One-Hand Keyboard

Mac version of the award-winning One-Hand Keyboard layout for former touch-typists. Great for temporary injuries such as a broken arm or sprained wrist.

One-Hand Keyboard [Practice Version]

Free demo version of One-Hand Keyboard for Mac. On the Mac App Store.

One-Handed Dvorak

Optimized one-hand keyboard layouts for either hand. The Dvorak one-handed layouts put the most-used keys under your home-row fingers, so your fingers do not need to travel as far. May have speed or comfort benefits compared to other methods. These layouts come installed by default in Windows and Mac OS X.


Hold Spacebar to “mirror” the keyboard and type the keys normally typed with the other hand. Available on the Mac App Store.


Linux version of the Half-QWERTY concept. Created by Randall Munroe, of XKCD fame. Just like Mirror-QWERTY and Half-QWERTY, hold Spacebar to “mirror” the keyboard and type the keys normally typed with the other hand.

Half-QWERTY Online Demo

Half-QWERTY is really a $600 hardware keyboard. But they do have an online demo. Great for practicing your Mirror-QWERTY / Mirrorboard / Half-QWERTY technique without having to install a program or purchase a physical keyboard.

AutoHotKey version of Half-QWERTY

A free and open-source software version of the Half-QWERTY keyboard layout. Uses the AutoHotKey scripting language. Link is to a detailed thread on the AutoHotKey forum discussing the layout.

QwertyFrog by FrogPad

A software version of the FrogPad one-handed keyboard. Use the FrogPad layout on your normal laptop or USB keyboard rather than using the physical FrogPad hardware keyboard.

Any others?

If you know of any other one-hand typing layouts, please leave a comment! In this post I am looking specifically for one-handed typing software.

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Shavon Maranville March 19, 2012 at 10:21 am

Thanks for helping out, excellent information.


Peter March 20, 2012 at 7:27 pm

No problem! What kind of one-handed typing solutions have you tried yourself?


Lorelei Jockers March 23, 2012 at 6:24 pm

Awesome share! Appreciate it!


Will February 13, 2018 at 11:05 pm

I’ve made a version of this same software (one-handed, mirroring keyboard controlled by holding down the spacebar) that works on macOS. It’s free and open-source, and it’s built on some free open source software called Karabiner (which is great for all kinds of keyboard modifications by the way).


joshh April 14, 2020 at 5:07 pm

hi the app is not available in Singapore’s Apple App store!


Saran Chamberlain February 19, 2022 at 6:25 am


I’m not sure if you remember me, i contacted you many years ago. I’d had a stroke now 9 years ago. Your software has helped me lived my life. I have an iPad and iPhone and wondering if you have software i can use on it. It’s awesome!!!



Douglas October 24, 2024 at 4:54 am

I have developed a free software for typing using only one hand called “OneHandTyper”, it works with a regular keyboard, and is intended for the Windows operating system. I think it’s already good enough for daily use. Below is the link:


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